About Our Services



Acupuncture is the study of energetic lines of connection in the body’s messaging systems.

These lines of connection run through the lines of least resistance, known as fascia; and pool in places where change occurs- organizing structures or points. These organizing structures are bio-energetic nodes on the body that act as the control center in the messaging lines of connection known as channels and meridians. Channels exist as conduits of qi which function as intracellular communication. Points on a channel are sites where communication gets altered either through physiology or dis-ease. Qi is the organizing force of the body; it is intelligent metabolism or life force. Cells direct each other through chemical signals that organize the body. The locations on the body where there are acupuncture points are the exact same location where an organizing center would be anticipated. These points are able to effect the physiology of an organ unrelated to physical location because the body is connected by a ubiquitous connective tissue that is fascia. Fascia is amorphous, meaning it has no real form of its own, but it is everywhere in the body. Made of collagen, fascia connects organs to muscle, to spine, to nerves; it surrounds bones and underpins skin. Collagen is not only the principal ingredient of fascia it also forms tendons, ligaments, cartilage in joints, artery tissue and is contained within organs; it forms the lens of the eyes, and assists in healing through the means of scar tissue. It is the most abundant protein in the body. Fascia is the mechanism that facilitates shared purpose in the body. It is impenetrable to almost all biological substances, and is not only an electrical conductor and resistor, but it also generates its own electricity. Fascia explains the communication messaging system of acupuncture meridians and collaterals, the organizing nodes of pooled energy and creation that are acupuncture points and their infinite distribution in the body, and how fascial planes are highly predictive sites of occurrence and determinable behavior. Fascia further explains qi, the motive life force that drives existence and promotes function. They are the conduit by which qi moves from outside to the inside and why a needle inserted at a point on the arm can affect the stomach or kidney.



Seichim is an Ancient Egyptian energetic healing modality that uses touch of hands, light and energetic channeling, visualization and extreme focus to ameliorate dis-ease in the physical body and harmonize the subtle energies that comprise the aura and chakra system.

Seichim  (say-keem) is the Western pronunciation for the Sanskrit symbol that is defined as “the power of powers” as well as “living light energy.” This powerful 5,000 year old healing wisdom is reflected in the Egyptian hieroglyphics and was dispersed from it birthplace to the lands of India and Asia; most notably in Tibet and China. Seichim or living light energy is a form of universal energy that heals on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels, with a focus on the heart center and vibrates from feminine energy. Seichim is also the Egyptian equivalent term for prana, chi, qi, and ki as used in the Orient to denote the all encompassing essential force that binds the universe together and is present in all life. Seichim is similar to Reiki but operates on a higher vibration and heals on a deeper level. Living Light Energy addresses the subtler aspects of cause, releasing even the deeply held thought forms in the etheric body which create the symptoms of blockages in our physical form.  In the physical body every molecule and cell is affected in a cleansing, balancing healing manner by consistent use of Seichim. Deriving great power from the bold female Egyptian goddesses, Sekhmet and Bast as well as Asian bodhisattva, Guan Yin; each of these female energies reflect and magnify a frequency of healing, compassion, loving-kindness, and protection that is channeled through the healer to the receiver. The amplitude, frequency and vibration of Seichim resonates even higher as energy is also absorbed from all four of the elements: fire (tejas), water (jala), air/ether (vaya/akasha), and earth (prithvi).

With Seichim, energy is gathered from the higher realms and elements as well as the radiance of the sun and the abundance of the moon. This light is harnessed through the crown of the head and travels in a column (known as the central light column) from the head, to the heart and through the hands of the healer, activating a sea of energy that energizes, purifies and maintains the process of balancing and healing. A fundamental component of this process is the building and widening of the central light column. This is a person’s direct transmission channel to the source of All Love as well as the mechanism that grounds the Seichim energy streams into the cellular memory of the physical body and the earth. The source of All Love is all that fully exists and is united in the One, there is no duality or separation from the Creator- it is the true nature of total oneness, harmony, peace and unification. As the physical and subtle bodies of the human auric field begin to merge, a field is created around an individual’s energy structure. This process provides the conditions for the oversoul to descend and find residence in the physical body. The oversoul is that already-perfected part of an individual’s consciousness that exists on the plane of universal love and wisdom. The Seichim healing matrix thus assists the entire energy structure in becoming centered and attuned to the unified heart chakra. The unified heart chakra is the concentrated light energy that is expanded and enlarged at heart center that grows to encompass all of the other chakras. With each successive expansion of the heart, deeper merger of the emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies with the physical body occurs, creating a unified field and then expands up to include the higher dimensional chakras, the higher self and ultimately Source. Seichim dissolves barriers to the higher self, activates and strengthens the light body, opens and enhances one’s connection to his/her angelic guides, the ascendant masters and the source of All Love. Under the guidance of the recipient’s higher self, only the appropriate amount of pure Seichim energy flows, facilitating growth, integration, elevation and balancing of all levels of the individual’s being. Promoting healing and balancing of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.

Asian Bodywork

Massage, stretches, pressure points, and joint rotations facilitate an exchange between practitioner and patient in sessions lasting between 1- 2 hours depending on patient specifications and needs. Patients experience both relaxation and invigoration while in treatment and leave feeling harmonized and uplifted. Tui Na massage is a modality that is commonly an applied therapy with acupuncture, cupping, moxibustion, and Chinese herbal medicine.


Asian bodywork, known as Tui Na in Traditional Chinese Medicine, is a form of massage that reflects a combination of Shiatsu and acupressure. Tui- means “to push” and Na- means “to grab.”

Using the meridian system of the human body, gliding, kneading, rocking, pulling, rolling and friction techniques are applied to restore physiological and emotional balance by promoting the flow of qi and removing blockages resulting from physical tension, bad habits and poor health. This massage therapy goes a step further than conventional Western massage therapy as it treats the patient holistically- concentrating on the mental and spiritual elements that effect the physical.