Chrysalis Spirit Medicine

Be still. Go within. Transcend.

Have you felt the nudge to explore personal healing through sacred indigenous medicine? Are you seeking an intimate and safe container nurtured especially for you to meet with the fractured parts of self calling for attention, intentional acceptance and repair? Are you prepared to acknowledge that there is a way to emerge from old realities and stand in a new truth? If a sacred “yes” resounded from these promptings, connecting in kambo ceremony at Chrysalis Spirit Medicine, may be the answer to your calling.

Chrysalis is an extension of Satsang Awakening Acupuncture & Holistic Health Practice that specializes in ceremony and sacred medicine. Through the indigenous medicine of kambo, Dr. Rian Charé Bushh provides a moment for clients to shed the old and re-emerge with an elevated sense of self.

Kambo, also known as frog medicine, is the secretion of Phyllomedusa bicolor (the giant leaf or monkey frog), a bright green tree frog native to the Amazon basin. This legal, non-hallucinogenic sacred medicine has a range of traditional and potential therapeutic applications, both medical and psycho-spiritual. The secretion is known for its powerful emetic or purgative effects. The most common form of purging is vomiting, however other forms such as emotional and digestive are not uncommon. Kambo is widely sought out to revitalize body, mind and spirit.

Kambo resets the body, not only by strengthening the immune system but also through distinct psycho-spiritual benefits. Panema—an Arawak term used by the Ashaninka and others—describes a negative energy that gathers over time.Traditionally visualized as a kind of dense grey cloud or aura panema is blamed for bad luck, depression, laziness, irritation, and other adverse states. Naturally, clearing this cloud is vital for indigenous groups that depend on hunting and community coherence. For many, kambo serves this purpose. The purge itself may be felt as an expulsion of bad thoughts, habits, negative personality traits, or persistent life problems.

Interested in partaking in ceremony? Please email to schedule your initial consult.

Chrysalis Spirit Medicine is also a space cultivated to express collaboration. Providing a sanctuary where holistic health facilitators awaken, nurture and heal using specialized treatment modalities to personally curate a path to navigate the unique health and healing journey of each client.

Resident Facilitator - Queen Shereen Macklin

Queen Shereen is a multi-passionate Intuitive Energy Healer, Actor, Teaching Artist and Founder/CEO of Queen Shereen Enterprises LLC, parent company of @shirleysorreldrink and @queenshereenplantbasedcuisine. Her mission is to create safe spaces for all beings, (especially those in Black and brown bodies) to discover, heal and inspire in order to be the fullest expression of themselves and reveal their true voices to the world.

Through her powerful intuitive healing, she will nourish you with everything you never knew you needed to live the life you’ve always wanted (and are more than worthy of having).

Service offerings:

✨Seichim Energy Healing

✨Yoni Spread Readings

✨Yoni Steams

✨Intuitive Readings for Kings & Couples

✨Authentic Expression Life Coaching

Please follow the link to book a service offering of Queen Shereen:


How is kambo applied and what is ceremony?

To prepare Kambo, the dried resin is combined with a little water to form a paste-like substance. It is then divided into dots for application. Small points (roughly 1/8” in diameter) are burned through the top layer of the skin with a smoldering piece of vine. Once the skin has been removed from the burns, the Kambo dots are applied. Aided by Kambo’s vaso -dilating peptides and pro-inflammatory agents, they are absorbed into the bloodstream within seconds.

How does one prepare for ceremony?

The cleansing process begins before the actual ceremony. It is recommended to fast for 10-12 hours before ceremony. And a specialized diet is suggested 3-7 days prior to ceremony. Kambo is delivered on an empty stomach. Recreational drugs and alcohol are also prohibited for at least 72 hours prior. Finally, those taking Kambo should aim to drink at least 1-2 liters of water before the ceremony, in addition to intentional hydration for 3-7 days prior to in preparation for ceremony.

What should one anticipate during ceremony?

To understand Kambo, one must understand the Kambo ceremony. Some substances deliver euphoria. They make you laugh; they make you see things. Kambo is no such substance. This legal, non-hallucinogenic indigenous medicine makes you feel uncomfortable. People don’t take Kambo to have fun, but to purge, cleanse, and heal themselves.

The immediate effects of Kambo medicine are intense and unpleasant but short-lived. A typical purge is 20 minutes, lasting no more than 30-40 minutes. They include a feverish rise in temperature, sweating, shivers, and dizziness as the heart rate becomes rapid. Many people report a tingling or burning sensation like electricity that starts from the points and spreads through the body. Some may also feel a dissociative or drunken high.

Overwhelming nausea is generally unavoidable with Kambo and purging is likely—either by vomiting, defecation, or both. Additional effects that may occur are a feeling of pressure in the head, neck, and torso, stomach discomfort, inflammation of the throat, dry mouth, blurred vision, impaired movement, and numbness or swelling of the lips or tongue that resolve rather quickly. The physical effects experienced are likened to a metaphor for life. We don’t just arrive on the other side of something that has left us feeling unwell. We must engage with it. Allow for it to run its course; and then, release it from our body. Feeling all of the discomfort and unpleasantries of the moment; but then, we heal.

What should one anticipate after ceremony?

Your experience may feel enhanced following the Kambo purge. After these initial biological effects have worn off and the heart rate has returned to normal, it may be necessary to rest. You may feel great physical strength, sharpened senses, and heightened mental alertness. Desirable after-effects like these may take a day to materialize or they could be immediate. They also tend to include a consistently elevated mood, increased physical and mental energy, decreased stress, and enhanced focus.

A profoundly transformational tool, kambo medicine is known to increase compassion, courage, emotional stability, and personal sovereignty. Some who partake feel more “real” or “solid” after kambo application—less in their heads and more in their bodies. Frustration, anger, and anxiety also tend to reduce or dissipate entirely. These positive changes may last several days or several months, depending on the application and the person receiving it.